IT Security & cyber security

IT Security & cyber security

Cyber security solutions are designed to protect networks, computers, and personal information from hackers and other cyber threats. It also includes the management and maintenance for the information system to ensure smooth operations.
Cyber security is basically about using different technologies and methods to protect your computer, electronic systems, and other devices from malicious attacks.
Cyber attacks can occur for a variety of reasons and in a variety of formats. Cybercriminals will look to exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s security policies, methods, or technology, according to a common thread. Some of the most popular types of cyber-attacks are listed here.
1. Malware
2. Phishing
3. Man-in-the-middle Attack
4. DDoS Attack
5. SQL Injection
6. DNS Tunneling
7. Business Email Compromise
8. Crypto jacking
9. Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

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